Consumer search#
One example application of NNE is to estimate consumer search model. This GitHub repository provides the Matlab (2023b) code. Below we provide description of the code files. The code itself is commented as well. You are welcome to modify the code to estimate your own structural model. The GitHub repository also provides the code that uses SMLE to estimate the search model.
More details of this application (e.g., specification of the search model) can be found in our paper referenced in home page.
An example to use the code:#
Run the three scripts in order as follows. This example is a Monte Carlo experiment that uses NNE to estimate the search model parameter from a simulated dataset.
>> monte_carlo_data % simulate a dataset and save it in data.mat
>> nne_gen % generate the training examples for NNE and save them in nne_training.mat
>> nne_train % train a neural net and then apply it on data.mat
Three functions are used in these scripts: model_seq_search.m
, moments.m
, and normalRegressionLayer.m
, which are explained in the description below.
Description of each file:#
This function codes a sequential search model.
[yd, yt, order] = model_seq_search(pos, z, consumer_id, theta, curve)
: product ranking positionsz
: other product attributes (e.g., review rating, price)consumer_id
: indices of consumers (or search sessions)theta
: vector of search model parametercurve
: relation between search cost and reservation utility, stored incurve_seq_search.csv
: dummies indicating if products are searchedyt
: dummies indicating if products are boughtorder
: order of search
Click to show code model_seq_search.m
function [yd, yt, order] = model_seq_search(pos, z, consumer_id, theta, curve)
This function codes the sequential search model and is largely based on the
code used in Ursu (2018): "The Power of Rankings ..."
yd .. search dummies
yt .. purchase dummies
order .. search order
pos .. prodoct ranking positions
z .. other product attributes
consumer_id .. consumer indices
theta .. model parameter
curve .. relation between search cost and reservation utility
%% random terms
rows = numel(consumer_id); % number of observations
N = numel(unique(consumer_id)); % number of consumers
eps = randn(rows, 1); % utility shocks for inside goods
eps0 = randn(N, 1); % utility shocks for outside goods
%% setup
% number of options for each consumer
Ji = accumarray(consumer_id,1);
Ji = Ji(consumer_id);
bepos = theta(end); % last par, position
constc = theta(end - 1); % par (2nd to last): constant in search cost
v0 = theta(end - 2); % outside option
[~, index] = ismember(1:N, consumer_id); % index of consumers in the data
%form utility from data and param
eutility = z * theta(1:size(z,2))';
utility = eutility + eps;
% utility of the outside option
u0 = v0 + eps0;
% search cost c, and therefore m, only changes with pos
pos_unique = sort(unique(pos));
m_pos = zeros(length(pos_unique),1);
for i = 1:length(pos_unique)
c_i = exp(constc + log(i).*bepos);
if c_i<curve(1,2) && c_i>=curve(end,2)
for n = 2:length(curve)
if (curve(n,2) == c_i)
m_pos(i) = curve(n,1);
elseif ((curve(n-1,2)>c_i)&& (c_i>curve(n,2)))
m_pos(i) = (curve(n,1)+curve(n-1,1))/2;
elseif c_i>=curve(1,2)
m_pos(i) = -c_i;
elseif c_i<curve(end,2)
m_pos(i) = 4.001;
m = m_pos(pos);
%reservation utilities
r = m + eutility;
%order by r for each consumer
da = [consumer_id, pos, Ji, z, utility, eutility, r];
whatr = size(da,2);
whateu = whatr - 1;
whatu = whateu - 1;
order = zeros(rows,1);
for m = 1:N
n = index(m);
J = Ji(n);
% for j = n:n+J-1
[~, order(n:n+J-1)] = sort(da(n:n+J-1, whatr),'descend');
% end
o = ones(rows, 1);
for m = 1:N
n = index(m);
J = Ji(n);
for j = n:n+J-1
o(j) = order(j) + n - 1;
data = da(o, :);
% click decisions
yd = zeros(rows, 1);
ydn = zeros(rows, 1);
% order of clicks
order = zeros(rows,1);
% free first click
yd(index) = 1;
%for next click decisions: if r is higher than outside
%option and higher than all utilities so far, then increase click d by one
% It is ok to do this because we ordered the r's first, so we know that rn>rn+1
for i = 1:N
J = Ji(index(i));
for j = 1:(J-1)
ma = max(data(index(i):(index(i)+j-1), whatu), u0(i));
if data(index(i)+j, whatr) > ma
yd(index(i)+j) = 1;
ydn(index(i):(index(i)+J-1)) = sum(yd(index(i):(index(i)+J-1)));
%tran decisions: if out of those clicked (the set of indices from first to
%max) u=max, then put a 1, otherwise put zero; finally reshape
yt = zeros(rows, 1);
mi = zeros(rows, 1);
for i = 1:N
J = Ji(index(i));
ydn_i = ydn(index(i));
% if ydn_i>0
order(index(i):index(i)+ydn_i-1) = 1:ydn_i;
% end
mi(index(i):index(i)+J-1) = max([data(index(i):index(i)+ydn_i-1, whatu); u0(i)]);
yt(data(:, whatu) == mi) = 1;
[~, i] = ismember((1:rows)', o);
yd = yd(i);
yt = yt(i);
order = order(i);
This function summarizes data into a set of moments (used in Step 2 in the procedure on home page).
output = moments(pos, z, consumer_id, yd, yt)
Inputs: as described above for
.Output: a vector collecting the values of the moments.
Click to show code moments.m
function output = moments(pos, z, consumer_id, yd, yt)
This function specifies the data moments to be used in NNE.
A vector collecting the data moments.
pos .. product ranking positions
z .. other product attributes
consumer_id .. consumer indices
yd .. search dummies
yt .. purchase dummies
rows = size(z, 1);
y = [yd, yt]; % all outcome variables
x = [z, log(pos)]; % all covariates
ydn = accumarray(consumer_id, yd); % consumer-level number of searches
ytn = accumarray(consumer_id, yt); % consumer-level purchase
y_tilde = [ydn>1, ydn, ytn]; % consumer-level outcomes
% consumer-level average of x
x_sum = arrayfun(@(i)accumarray(consumer_id, x(:,i)), 1:size(x,2), 'uni', false);
x_bar = cell2mat(x_sum)./accumarray(consumer_id, 1);
% mean vector of y
m1 = mean(y);
% cross-covariances between y and x
m2 = (y - mean(y))'*(x - mean(x))/rows;
m2 = m2(:)';
% mean vector of y_tilde
m3 = mean(y_tilde);
% cross-covariances between y_tilde and x_bar
m4 = (y_tilde - mean(y_tilde))'*(x_bar - mean(x_bar))/rows;
m4 = m4(:)';
% covariance matrix of y_tilde
m5 = cov(y_tilde);
m5 = m5(tril(true(length(m5))))';
% collect all moments
output = [m1, m2, m3, m4, m5];
This file codes the cross-entropy loss. It extends the Matlab ‘s built-in MSE loss. This loss function is needed if we want NNE to output estimates of statistical accuracy in addition to point estimates.
Click to show code normalRegressionLayer.m
classdef normalRegressionLayer < nnet.layer.RegressionLayer
This file codes the loss function for neural net training. It extends the
Matlab built-in regressionLayer. The regressionLayer uses the MSE loss.
This file adds a normal cross-entropy loss.
Set property learn_sd to true to use the cross-entropy loss. In this case,
the number of neural net outputs doubles to give both the mean and standard
deviation terms.
function layer = normalRegressionLayer(varargin)
p = inputParser;
addOptional(p, 'learn_sd', false, @islogical)
parse(p, varargin{:})
layer.learn_sd = p.Results.learn_sd;
function loss = forwardLoss(layer, Y, T)
if ~ layer.learn_sd
Q = 0.5*(Y - T).^2;
k = size(Y,1)/2;
S = exp(Y(k+1:2*k, :));
V = Y(1:k, :);
U = T(1:k, :);
Q = log(S) + 0.5*((V - U)./S).^2;
loss = sum(Q(:))/size(Y,2);
function dLdY = backwardLoss(layer, Y, T)
if ~ layer.learn_sd
dLdY = (Y - T)/size(Y,2);
k = size(Y,1)/2;
S = exp(Y(k+1:2*k, :));
dS = S;
V = Y(1:k, :);
U = T(1:k, :);
dLdS = 1./S - 1./S.^3.*(V - U).^2;
dLdV = (V - U)./S.^2;
dLdY = [dLdV; dLdS.*dS]/size(Y,2);
This script generates a dataset of consumer search under a “true” value of the search model parameter, for the purpose of Monte Carlo experiments. It uses the function model_seq_search.m
to simulate the search and purchase choices. The data is saved in a file data.mat
Click to show code monte_carlo_data.m
This script generates a Monte Carlo data for estimation of the sequential
search model. The data will be saved in data.mat.
N = 1000; % number of consumers (or search sessions)
J = 30; % number of options per consumer
% 1st column are parameter names
% 2nd column are true parameter value (for Monte Carlo studies).
set_theta = {
'\beta_1' 0.1 % coefficient (stars)
'\beta_2' 0.0 % coefficient (review score)
'\beta_3' 0.2 % coefficient (loc score)
'\beta_4' -0.2 % coefficient (chain)
'\beta_5' 0.2 % coefficient (promotion)
'\beta_6' -0.2 % coefficient (price)
'\eta' 3.0 % outside good
'\delta_0' -4.0 % search cost base
'\delta_1' 0.1 % search cost position
theta_name = set_theta(:,1)';
theta_true = cell2mat(set_theta(:,2)');
rows = N*J;
% draw the hotel attributes
z = nan(rows, 6);
z(:,1) = randsample([2, 3, 4, 5], rows, true, [0.05, 0.25, 0.4, 0.3])'; % star rating
z(:,2) = randsample([3, 3.5, 4, 4.5, 5], rows, true, [0.08, 0.17, 0.4, 0.3, 0.05])'; % review score
z(:,3) = normrnd(4, 0.3 ,rows,1); % location score
z(:,4) = randsample([0, 1], rows, true, [0.2, 0.8])'; % chain hotel dummy
z(:,5) = randsample([0, 1], rows, true, [0.4, 0.6])'; % promotion dummy
z(:,6) = normrnd(0.15, 0.6, rows,1); % log price
% ranking positions
pos = repmat((1:J)',N,1);
% consumer index
consumer_id = repelem(1:N, J)';
% search and purchase
curve = importdata('curve_seq_search.csv');
[yd, yt] = model_seq_search(pos, z, consumer_id, theta_true, curve);
% save data
This script generates the training and validation examples (Steps 1 & 2 in the procedure on home page).
It loads the product attributes (
) indata.mat
.It uses
to simulate the consumer choices in each training or validation example.It uses
to summarize data in each training or validation example.Corner examples (e.g., nobody made a purchase) are dropped.
At the end, the training and validation examples are saved in a file
Click to show code nne_gen.m
This script generates the training and validation examples to be used to
train NNE. The examples will be saved in nne_trainning.mat.
Change 'for' to 'parfor' if parallel computing toolbox is available.
%% settings
% 1st column are parameter names.
% 2nd and 3rd columns are lower and upper bounds of parameter space Theta.
Theta = {
'\beta_1' -0.5, 0.5 % coefficient (stars)
'\beta_2' -0.5, 0.5 % coefficient (review score)
'\beta_3' -0.5, 0.5 % coefficient (loc score)
'\beta_4' -0.5, 0.5 % coefficient (chain)
'\beta_5' -0.5, 0.5 % coefficient (promotion)
'\beta_6' -0.5, 0.5 % coefficient (price)
'\eta' 2.0, 5.0 % outside good
'\delta_0' -5.0, -2.0 % search cost base
'\delta_1' -0.25, 0.25 % search cost position
label_name = Theta(:,1)';
lb = cell2mat(Theta(:,2))';
ub = cell2mat(Theta(:,3))';
L = 1e4; % number of training & validation examples
% load reservation utility curve (to be used in search model)
curve = importdata('curve_seq_search.csv');
% load observed attributes in data
load('data.mat', 'pos', 'z', 'consumer_id', 'N', 'J')
%% generate training & validation examples
% pre-allocation for training & validation examples
input = cell(L,1);
label = cell(L,1);
for l = 1:L
% draw the value for the search model parameter
theta = unifrnd(lb, ub);
% simulate search and purchase outcomes
[yd, yt] = model_seq_search(pos, z, consumer_id, theta, curve);
% drop corner cases
buy_rate = sum(yt)/N; % fraction of consumers who purchased
num_srh = sum(yd)/N; % number of searches per consumer
if buy_rate > 0 && buy_rate < 1 && num_srh > 1 && num_srh < J
input{l} = moments(pos, z, consumer_id, yd, yt);
label{l} = theta;
% convert cells to matrices
input = cell2mat(input);
label = cell2mat(label);
%% training-validation split
L = size(input,1); % number of examples excluding corner cases
L_train = floor(L*0.9); % number of training examples (90-10 split)
input_train = input(1:L_train,:);
label_train = label(1:L_train,:);
input_val = input(L_train+1:L,:);
label_val = label(L_train+1:L,:);
%% save
This script trains a shallow neural net (Steps 3 & 4 in the procedure on home page).
It loads the training and validation examples from
(created bynne_gen.m
).It uses
for the cross-entropy loss.Validation loss is reported. You can use it to choose hyperparameters, such as the number of hidden nodes.
At the end, it applies the trained neural net to the data in
and reports the estimate.
Click to show code nne_train.m
This script trains the neural net in NNE, and then applies the trained
neural net on data.mat to obtain a parameter estimate.
%% settings
num_nodes = 64; % number of hidden nodes (in shallow neural net)
learn_sd = true; % whether to learn estimates of statistical accuracy
%% load training & validation examples
L_train = size(input_train, 1); % number of training examples
L_val = size(input_val, 1); % number of validation examples
dim_input = size(input_train, 2); % number of inputs by neural net
dim_label = size(label_train, 2); % number of parameters
% extend neural net outputs in the case of learn_sd = true
output_train = [label_train, zeros(L_train, dim_label*learn_sd)];
output_val = [label_val, zeros(L_val, dim_label*learn_sd)];
dim_output = size(output_train, 2); % number of outputs by neural net
%% train a neural net
opts = trainingOptions( 'adam', ...
'LearnRateSchedule','piecewise', ...
'LearnRateDropPeriod', 200, ...
'InitialLearnRate' , 0.01, ...
'GradientThreshold', 1,...
'MaxEpochs', 300, ...
'MiniBatchSize', 500,...
'L2Regularization', 0, ...
'Plots','none', ...
'Verbose', true, ...
'VerboseFrequency', 500, ...
'ValidationData', {input_val, output_val}, ...
'ValidationFrequency', 500);
layers = [ featureInputLayer(dim_input, 'normalization', 'rescale-symmetric')
normalRegressionLayer('learn_sd', learn_sd)
[net, info] = trainNetwork(input_train, output_train, layers, opts);
disp(" ")
disp("Final validation loss is: " + info.FinalValidationLoss)
%% display figure: estimate vs. truth in validation
pred_val = predict(net, input_val, exec='cpu');
sgtitle('Estimate vs. Truth in Validation')
p = round(sqrt(dim_label));
for i = 1:dim_label
subplot(p, p+1, i)
scatter(label_val(:,i), pred_val(:,i), '.')
axis equal
%% apply the trained neural net to data.mat
load('data.mat'); % load data for estimation
input = moments(pos, z, consumer_id, yd, yt); % calculate data moments to be used as neural net input
pred = predict(net, input, exec='cpu'); % apply the trained neural net
estimate = pred(1:dim_label)'; % get point estimate
sd = exp(pred(dim_label+1:end))'; % get estimate of statistical accuracy
sd = [sd; nan(dim_label*~learn_sd, 1)]; % fill sd with nan if learn_sd=0
% display estimates
result = table(estimate, sd, 'row', label_name, 'var', {'Estimate','SD'});
result = rmmissing(result, 2);
disp(" ")